Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Twins + Toddler beds = Success

My 16 month old twins are rocking their new toddler beds that my mom built them, and this was a big surprise to me! Check out how amazing the girls new room is at their Mimi and Poppy's!

And of course, this idea was from Pinterest... check it out here!

Even the ribbon/light garland was from Pinterest!

Even big brother got a new big boy room, complete with a baseball theme! This makes for our move back here in March so much easier on my mind.


  1. Love!!! I've been wanting to try a toddler bed for P, but I don't think Nate will go for it. Glad your girls like it!

  2. Anna, I wouldn't have attempted this so soon but my mom
    Had them ready and we only had one pack n play so I was just hoping they'd do okay. H was 17 months when he went to toddler bed but that seemed early too. I think if she's safely crawling down off of things then she could be ready.

  3. I looove this!!! CANT WAIT FOR YOU TO BE CLOSER!
