Sunday, February 20, 2011

hunter's world

Hunter is the first of three little blessings for Jake and I. He is a sweet, silly (little) man of few words... actually no words. I guess when you are as busy as he is you don't really need to talk. With only 20 months under his belt he has already experienced so many incredible things.  Traveling to over 15 states, getting 2 brand new baby sisters (at once), reuniting with his daddy after a 7 month deployment to Afghanistan, and moving all the way to North Carolina for the second time. His ability to adapt to anything around him has made me appreciate him even more though. This might not seem like a big deal, but when you're a new mommy, pregnant with twins, and without your husband, having an easy going child makes everything else around you a little easier to handle.  That is something any mommy can be thankful for at the end of the day.

One of Hunter's favorite things is being outside and now that he is getting older he is becoming more and more independent *insert tears* and I find myself just watching his little imagination at work while he plays.  And now that his sisters are more active I think he's actually enjoying having them around.  He loves to "show" them things, give them toys and when its time to go "bye bye" he will try to pick them up to hurry the process of going out the door.

Food has always been a friend to my little boy, but lately he has been eating like a Big Strong Man.  All he wants is BEEF! No buns on his hamburgers, no tortilla with his taco meat, and no noodles with the meatballs... But I can always count on his eating fruits and veggies!

Here are some other fun and or/strange facts about Hunter:

Grabs, plays with, and sometimes even sucks your ear.
He literally "pops" up every time he wakes up.
He loves any and all dogs and tries to whistle when he sees one.
Enjoys rolling balls down the railing on the stairs to hit me in the kitchen.
He is reaching his "terrible two's"... quickly.
First haircut was at 20 months.
Dances at the end of Despicable me EVERY time.
Loves to spin in circles until he can't even walk.
Always has a smile that makes anyone's day better.

 Many more memories to make with the sweetest little boy a mommy could ask for...                                                        




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