Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We've made it six months... it's going to get crazy!

The girls turned 6 months old on the 30th of January and now we're just waiting for the "twins get easier after 6 months" to kick in.  Every twin parent we run into tells us this, but I don't see how it could be possible. Mobility is not easier and we are rapidly approaching it.

Waiting for the doctor in our bumbleride indie twin... best stroller, ever!

Where are we on the charts?

Emma: 17.6lbs/75th percentile
           25 in/25th percentile (I think she may be a little longer, the nurse had her head crooked on the uncomfortably hard wooden table/ridiculous measuring system they use).
Riley: 17.7lbs/75th percentile
         25 1/4in/50th percentile

I honestly can't even remember what their heads were measuring... let's say big though. They have their daddy's head.

What are we doing around the house?

Due to limited mobility and lack of mommy arms we are constantly rotating babies from activity center to walker, bumbo, highchair, floor, bouncer, and to swing.

On rare occasions we wander to the back yard and enjoy some fresh air on a blanket while Big brother slides and digs in the dirt.

Any teeth?

Still none, but they are there... hurting my babies and driving me crazy.
Thanks to Sophie the Giraffe, cold teethers, and the occasional dose of Tylenol and Orajel we are surviving.

Speaking of teeth, who forgot to mention to me that there are 2 year molars??? This is a mean joke someone is playing on us... 3 teething children!

Any new foods to spit on mommy and daddy?

We're going GREEN!!! Well, we're eating green! This week starts green beans, avocados, and peas! Not all at once of course, but one per week to watch for any more food allergies. Dang, bananas!

I guess our "first foods" were Oklahoma State inspired.... Orange Power... Mango's, carrots, sweet potatoes... yummmy!

Any new milestones?

Even though my girls are expert "rollers" they are perfecting the infamous backward scoot right now.  Combine that with a few rolls and we have Emma wedged under her crib last night during bath time.  Bath/bedtime is complete chaos right now, babies are everywhere and never where you lay them.

Riley is our top sitter right now, but Emma is close behind. We cant wander far though, they tumble quickly.
 Riley is proud of herself!

Both girls are pulling their knees under them and getting in the crawling position. The day they both take off will be a very scary/exciting day for us.
Go Emma!

Sippy cups are being used and are loved by everyone... yes, even Hunter loves drinking water from his sisters tiny, pink Tommee Tippee cups.

That pretty much sums up where we are as of today...still busy.. still laughing... sometimes crying... occasionally sleeping... and always changing.

Sisterly love

(if you have an iPhone get the instagram app and find us, bjohnson22, for more fun pics)

1 comment:

  1. Love the new app on your phone...really enhances the colors in your pics. Of course, the subjects are perfect w/o any enhancing! Love you all!
