Thursday, January 12, 2012

I wonder...

...If my husband is sleeping out in the rain tonight or in a humvee? (I hate days without talking to him) much longer until my "normal" Riley returns to me with her constant smile?

...when I will ever get to hear my babies say "mommy, I love you"?

...if I will get anyone sneaking in to my bed tonight?

...what's really going on with Riley, medically?

...if I can actually stick to healthy eating instead of giving in out of pure exhaustion?

...where our kitty ran away to? {tear}

...when the absolute cuteness of seeing my little boy in big boy undies will fade? -never!!!

...if I can start planning H's 3rd birthday party now?

...what my girls are thinking... Especially when they stay up and play together at nap time?

...if I will ever get to see my husband on my birthday?

...when the "right" time is for getting a dog?

...too often.

...if I can ever get good enough at blogging to make it mean something to my readers?

...where these 27 bruises came from all over my body?

...if we can just fast forward from March to October so I don't have to say goodbye again?

...if I'm doing a good job as a mommy? I can love my babies as much as I do, no matter the day we put each through?

...where I hid the golden double stuffed Oreos from myself today? {grin}

...if blood work will give us any answers with Riley?

...if H will conquer his diagnosis or how it will affect his life?

...if I should stay up and read or just prepare for an early morning now?

...when I'll hear from my hubby? much longer until the laundry is done?

...why I thought this would be a good post? {sigh}

I wonder way too much, good night!

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