Saturday, January 7, 2012

Never let them see you sweat.

Rarely do I need to just call something quits when it's just me and my 3 littles, but yesterday was my get over your self/reality check moment. But moments like that help me grow as a parent and grow as an individual especially when I am absolutely mortified by the actions of my littles(I know it is bound to get worse too).

After naps we headed to the monster, over crowded park by the ball fields in hopes to burn some energy on a rare 68 degree day in January. I was excited to see it wasn't too crowded but as soon we we ran into the playground area my mind almost exploded. Each kid took off in a different direction and with an 8 story jungle gym and swings and merry go round things flying everywhere I knew I was outnumbered. Thank goodness I ran into a Facebook acquaintance, now considered a dear friend and saint, who helped wrangle and protect my kids from the 20ft deadly drops and from getting lost. Michelle, I owe you big time! After about 12 panic attacks and a mild heart attack I decided I was greatly outnumbered and we had to leave! I hate defeat!

Since we were out I decided to go ahead an fill Riley's Zantac meds they have started her on for possible reflux but forgetting the new year had come, Walgreens could no longer help us, boo! Off to CVS we go where we HAVE to go inside to give them all of our info. The girls are loaded in the double stroller and I carry H in and as soon as we park by the pharmacy absolute chaos begins. In complete harmony all three begin to scream and cry and the girls are bucking like wild bulls from their stroller. H runs and grabs gummy bears and while I attempt to open them he decides HE needs to punish Riley for crying and smacks her right in the face. Hmmm where did this come from? For now I've got to hand out these gummies and restore calmness. I should have known that being out and about at this time wasn't a great idea, but some things need to get taken care of. And I know I have started a terrible habit by grabbing a treat or some sort distraction right when we get in a store to occupy by kids, but honestly I do not care. They will grow up and won't require treats to keep them happy and everthing will be fine.

My hopes in writing these little experiences, stories, adventures we have are to help or ease the minds of other mommies. And picking your battles when you're out and about is really a matter of life and full on freak outs. Within reason, just get through whatever you had planned and no matter what stay calm. Of everything I've learned in the past 2.5 years as being a mommy the most important thing is to stay calm. I will be at my breaking point, almost to tears or laying on the ground from pure exhaustion but always talking in a calm voice and faking a big smile will keep your babies calm and semi happy instead of being frustrated or upset with you.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA oh boy do I understand!

    Some days, you just do what you have to survive. LOL
