Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Info/Photo dump

What happens when your husband gets to take off work for 12 days and this is the last month you get to spend with him before he leaves for 8 months? 

You get out and do as much as you can and have as much fun as possible... and that's exactly what we did during his leave block!

Here's what we have been up to:

 Emma fell in love with playing dress up.

 We looked super, super cute at our first trip back to church since being home.

 Enjoyed our first Sonic cream slush...

 ...then we laughed when we dumped them all down our car seat.

Lost Riley... then found her playing upstairs in the sink with q-tips.

 Decided we actually DO love the beach!

 And eating the beach...

 ...and running from the waves.

 We toured the USS North Carolina.

Mommy and Riley got to spend the afternoon together in Wilmington after her appointment at the urologist. We shopped, shopped, ate lunch, and shopped some more.
{Riley's kidney reflux is a grade IV out of V meaning it is rather severe, but we will be on a preventative antibiotic until we decide to get the procedure to correct her ureters.}

 This past weekend we drove up to Raleigh and got settled into a super convenient and comfy two room hotel suite for the kids to run around in before we headed out for shopping, swimming, and the children's museum.

 Emma enjoying the observation deck.

 Emma enjoyed relaxing in the hotel room as much as Jake and I did.

 Point taken, extra big hotel room is the coolest!

Wear your kids out over the weekend and you'll get a peacefully 2.5 hour car trip home.

Okay, is this not absolutely precious and heart warming?
I always wonder what they think about having a sister that is always around and looks exactly like them... I guess they kind of enjoy it.
As soon as we shut the door after placing each girl into their own beds, we hear Riley run across and jump into her sisters bed. Sometimes they play a while first, but every time I go to check on them and cover them up, Riley is always is curled up with her giraffe and doggie in Emma's bed.
 We have been having so much fun and enjoying every second of Jake while we still have him home with us. I am so thankful for all the special trips and fun times we got to have together before it's time to say our goodbyes.

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