Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daddy's girl

The fact that her daddy is "out saving the world" doesn't stop Riley from being the biggest daddy's girl around.

Riley is the last of the Johnson babies. She is my most vocal child... Riley wants her presence known... AT. ALL. TIMES. She was the biggest of the two girls and has kept that title! I think she got the Johnson gene's because she seems to be rather tall. She loves to make Emma laugh by making silly faces, playing peek-a-boo (turning her head away every time Emma looks at her, then turning back), and screaming at the top of her lungs. This new trick is rather funny... During the day. Let me set the scene... two nights ago, bottles and bedtime and I had had Emma snoring. My mom was feeding Riley and out of no where a blood curdling scream came from that tiny girl. She laughed, my mom choked on her laughter, Emma woke up, and I almost cried. Needless to say, Riley is now grounded until she graduates High School.

Riley can crawl, but only when she absolutely feels that it's necessary. I told my mother-in-law that Riley just likes to sit and be pretty. She's actually pretty good at it though. Her hands and feet are constantly moving too. She will eat almost anything I feed her without question. She loves Cheerios's and her Plum Organic Puffs.... She's even using two fingers to grab them! Riley got the first tooth of the girls, but Emma then topped her by getting two at the same time. Her second tooth has joined her other one though, so no more snaggle tooth (daddy and aunt Janna). I think Riley is going to be my fashionista. She loves jewelry and is always trying to put a new outfits on her head. But, hopefully she aquires some interest in sports. Right now she loves golf balls!! I can't believe my youngest baby is 8 months old today. We love you smiley Riley.

Being pretty



  1. Man! Your kids are too seems like Emma and Riley are at pretty fun stages!!

    That last picture is amazing!! Push up position and all....she really must be her daddy's girl!! I can almost picture her saying "This one is for you, daddy!" SO CUTE!

  2. I love how you do a post for each one of your kids, that is awesome! The last bead picture of Riley looks like she is just singin away ;)
