Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Introducing: Kitty

aka Patsy

An early present for the girls birthday and she is as sweet as can be. Although the first morning after we brought her home she decided to attack my face while I carried her up the stairs. She has since earned back my love and affection with her sassy attitude and cuddly self. 
She is quite the brutal killer though...

Her prey.

She brings several of these down a day.
A majority are bigger than her and she is usually not willing to give them up right away.
{as if I need another "thing" to clean up after}

Kitty is very sweet with her new brother and sisters and is usually tolerable of the abuse love they show her.
And as long as you're willing, she will sleep right along with you.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet little I look at the scratches on my hands! I do love her craziness though.

