Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Random thoughts

While I was driving around town the other day I noticed Hunter was struggling to see the DVD players. So I made a mental note on my "things needed" list to get him his own for the back seat. From there, I mentally started to rearrange the placement of all the carseats, adding and removing seats in the van and swapping the girls with Hunter in the back. Then I thought about how lucky and very thankful we were to even have our van. A van of endless ways to position my kids, store groceries, hold a double and single stroller, and comfortably travel back and forth half way across the country to see our family and friends.

Our van was an anonymous "gift" to Jake and I a little over a year ago. It was only a few weeks after having the twins and while Jake was in Afghanistan that I was surprised at my parents front door by a tall, older looking gentleman holding a single rose and a hand full of balloons. Sleep deprived from caring for newborn twins and a 14 month old, I awkwardly smiled, then laughed and asked if these were from Jake. He had no idea who "Jake" was, but told me to follow him outside to the driveway. I was hoping that Jake had(for some strange reason) managed to leave Afghanistan early and surprise us in the driveway. Nope, it was a brand new black Honda Odyssey with more balloons tied to it.  
{I was a little disappointed the van wasn't a sunburned, starving Marine waiting for me.}
I refused the vehicle for a good 30 minutes, asked who it was from, was this a joke, and where were the cameras? This was a joke, it had to be. No one is just given a vehicle for no reason. That poor man, he had no information to give me, which I insisted on having. I had hungry newborns crying for mommy, a toddler screaming because the balloons were tangled in the fan, and my grandparents that were more confused than I was and all he wanted was my signature so he could leave.

I didn't drive the van for a good 2 weeks I think. I was in denial and in shock, but after numerous calls from my tall, older gentleman delivery guy, I needed to bring the van to the dealership so I could get our title. I couldn't wait to tell Jake about the surprise, but waiting for a phone call from him took weeks back then. I was also a little embarrassed to own a mini van. I mean really, I'm THAT mom now driving a mini van. I was only 24 years old, but I had three kids so I guess I fell in to the mini van club category. And just so you know, my husband literally begged to drive "my" van to work everyday once we moved to NC. He loves the van life and so do I. To be honest, we still don't know(for sure) who gave us such an incredible gift.

This post wasn't to gloat, but a subtle reminder to not only be thankful once, but every day. If we didn't have this gift, we would be a very smashed family in only one vehicle. There are so many things we thank God for once we get it, but remembering to be thankful ALWAYS is something I try so hard to do.

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