Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekly wrap up: fun overload

 And you know what that means... 
...picture overload... a ridiculous amount of pictures.
{forgive me}

Jake gets all the credit for an incredible fun filled weekend.
With all the hard work his unit has been putting in lately, they were finally given a long weekend, so Friday we headed out to N. Topsail Island for our last attempt at the beach for the summer. 
It was a beautiful sight. The tide was up and the waves were crashing in as we watched from under the pier. H was stuck to my thigh refusing to look at the water, R was tightly holding on to my side just in case I tried to put her down and daddy headed to the water with E. My babies are just not beach babes, but at least we tried... maybe next year.

When all else fails, head to the nearest park.

And enjoy the local seafood.

Saturday was a well planned out day as well. We would carry on as usual, then after naps we would head out to the NC Seafood festival in Morehead City. But before naps a magical package arrived for Hunter. 

He was in heaven. And since big brother was pretending to be Buzz, the girls definitely needed to join in on the fun. 

Not sure what Riley ended up being, but she was enjoying sticking all the craft balls in her mouth.

Emma got Hunter's Yoda costume from last year, but with an added bow for a girly touch.

I love watching my kids interact with each other more and more every day. I love that they are so close in age, not only with the girls being best friends, but H being right along there with them. Teaching them, making them laugh, loving them and protecting them. 
{I'm lucky if he doesn't accidentally hit them with a toy or knock them down right now}
Of course, I forgot the camera for the seafood festival but it was not exactly what we thought it would be. 
It was a crowded, smokey, fair looking event. All of which we are not fans of. 
We lost, then found one of Riley's Tom's in a mass crowd of people arguing with protestors.
Tried to win H a real fishy and failed, but later he won an inflatable sword that he popped 3seconds later. Managed to get some seafood though, and then headed to... if you guessed park, then you are starting to get it. An open area where Riley can "runaway" from us, Hunter can climb, swing and slide and Emma can scream with excitement was all we needed to know they enjoyed our well planned trip.

Sunday was a chilly, beautiful fall day where we unfortunately missed church because if 3 colds, but we did manage to go to our favorite pumpkin patch for the 3rd year in a row.

Daddy did great this weekend and spoiled us with fun and excitement.
{it's amazing what fall weather can do to a person}

A perfect ending to a wonderful week can only be completed with ice cream cones. 
A first for two baby girls and a rare treat for a messy toddler.
Thank you daddy, we love you!

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