Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly wrap up: create

The simplicity of a t shirt turned super hero cape.
It's nothing special and all three were whipped together after breakfast one morning, but they LOVED them. I couldn't believe they actually left them on for so long. Riley actually threw a fit when I removed hers for nap time.
I did see incredible tutorials on Pinterest for much cuter ones that will be attempted for a super hero party that I see in the near future. 

Finding little things here and there to mix in to our daily routine makes for happy babies.
And in the spirit of Halloween I had to attempt these cute little guys. 
Of course, Jake and I ended up eating them since the kids are going through a picky stage {grrr}.

{Jake said they looked more like the Taliban than mummies}

And of course we had to make use of all the glow sticks Mimi sent the kids in their Halloween basket and since playing in the dark laundry room is only fun for so long, in to the bath tub they go.

On to a new week with new things to create!

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