Thursday, October 27, 2011

Art Appreciation Day

They appreciated a new, squishy experience and I appreciated the super easy clean up... especially when I ran upstairs to get the girls up from their nap and Hunter grabbed a paint brush and my Diet Coke and left them on my white(not so white) rug.

 It's hard to keep his attention for a project, but he did pretty well with this one.

Baby Picasso's.

 Em was not appreciating it AS much as the others, but I made sure she looked the part with paint on her face.

 Riley's balloon exploded.

If you're not feeling as brave crazy on a dragging day, just put the finger paint in a baggie and tape to a window or big door with a window. We did this earlier in the week and it seemed to be a big hit for both age groups. Hunter liked using something to move the paint around like a pen or marker, but the girls just squished and slapped it.

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